John Slingsby

Before working for Sheffield Futures, I wasn’t as in tune with making a difference for the young people of the city but being a part of Young Advisors has allowed me to grow exponentially as a person and do things that I never thought I’d do. I was never really confident before Young Advisors but being a part of a group of supportive, like minded individuals has allowed me the chance to flourish and make sure that the young people of Sheffield have a say in various matter in the city.

I’ve had experience as an Assistant Youth Worker that has really hammered home how important it is the work that we as Young Advisors do and produce within the city. Young Advisors allows us to give a voice to and positively impact the opportunities that the young people of today will get in the future and ensure that Sheffield is always at the forefront of ensuring that young people within the city are listened to and acknowledged when decisions about them are made.

Being able to voice concerns and champion young people and the things we can do is something that I’m immensely proud of whilst I’ve done this job and Young Advisors and Sheffield Futures are an essential part of ensuring that the young people of this city have a voice and an impact on matters that directly affect them. We’re in a privileged position to do the job that we do and I’m immensely proud of the work that myself and my colleagues have done during our time as Young Advisors and look forward to doing even more in the future!