Gifts in Wills

Leaving a gift in your Will is the perfect way to leave a lasting legacy for young people in Sheffield.

Sheffield Futures will always recommend using a solicitor or legal professional to write your Will. However, if you have questions about leaving a gift in your Will to Sheffield Futures, or you are an Executor, we can certainly help. Above all, we can show you our work and discuss how you’d like your gift to be spent.

Why should I leave a gift to Sheffield Futures?

Few charities have such a strong connection to place within a community as Sheffield Futures, which has been part of the fabric of Sheffield since its inception in 1995. Our well-known mental wellbeing service, Door43, is a nod to our home, Star House, at 43 Division Street. For over 25 years we’ve been here for young people: from crisis intervention to social activities and homework clubs to employment support.

Beyond our city-centre base, we work across Sheffield, particularly in the 10% most deprived area which are characterised by high rates of poverty, overcrowding, unemployment, English as a second language, and some areas having specific challenges including violence, criminal and sexual exploitation.

Sheffield has huge disparities, including a 14 year life expectancy gap across just 10 miles. It is widely acknowledged that there is a mental health epidemic among young people, and the issues experienced and presented by young people are increasingly complex.

Whether it’s funding counselling, youth clubs, employment work or developing new spaces in Star House, a gift in your Will would be transformational for the young people of Sheffield.

We’re always happy to answer any questions and to talk to you about your plans and wishes.

Please contact: Matthew Andrews, Business Development Officer at


There are two types of gift that you can consider leaving in your Will: a share of your estate (residuary gift) or a set sum (pecuniary gift).  

Here’s some wording that you could include in your Will, depending on which type of gift you’d like to leave. We recommend that you share this with your solicitor or the legal professional that is writing your Will. 

Residuary gift (share of your estate) 

I leave … per cent of the residue of my real and personal estate to Sheffield Futures, Star House, 43 Division Street, Sheffield S1 4GE, registered charity number: 1044490  

Pecuniary gift (set sum) 

I leave the sum of …. (in words) £… (figure) to Sheffield Futures, Star House, 43 Division Street, Sheffield S1 4GE, registered charity number: 1044940 

Here are the key things to consider before you write your will with a solicitor or legal professional.  

  • What do you own? Make a list of everything and value it. Consider: property, digital assets, savings and/or investments. 
  • Family and loved ones always com first. Write down the people that you want to benefit from your estate.  
  • Make a list of the causes and charities that you might like to remember if your Will. Look at their websites and contact them with any questions you have about how they spend their money and what your potential gift could help achieve. 
  • If you have children under 18, consider who you would choose to be their legal guardian should you pass away before they are 18. 
  • Who would you like to manage your estate? Think about who would be well placed to carry out your wishes.