Make a donation

Why donate to Sheffield Futures?

With a 14 year life expectancy gap across just 10 miles, Sheffield is a tale of two cities.

We work across Sheffield, particularly in the most deprived areas. We see poverty, overcrowding, and unemployment. In some areas, violence, criminal and sexual exploitation are big challenges.

We also know that there’s a mental health epidemic among young people, and the issues experienced and presented by young people are increasingly complex.

We’ve been here for young people for over 25 years, providing a safe space, a listening ear and the best advice and support to empower young people to make positive life choices.

Our funding has changed dramatically. We rely on the generosity of people like you to keep going.

Thank you for helping us create a better future for Sheffield’s young people.

a group of young girls smile and put their thumbs up at the camera

How your donations help

graphic doodle of an open notebook

The difference you make