Referrals and collaboration

Referring young people to Sheffield Futures

Sheffield Futures receives referrals from statutory, voluntary and community services, as well as schools, colleges, universities, parents and carers, and young people themselves.

Referring young people to Sheffield Futures

Unsure which service to refer to? Call us: 0114 201 2800

Collaborate with Sheffield Futures

Sheffield Futures is a key partner in Sheffield’s children and young people’s sector. Our leadership team sits across public and voluntary sector steering groups and forums, collaborating with others who are seeking to improve the system and the opportunities available to young people.

We have significant experience, both as a service delivery partner and a lead organisation, of multi-year, multi-million programmes incorporating the public, private and voluntary sectors. We receive referrals from parents, schools, GPs, refuges, MAST and social workers to name a few. Similarly, we signpost and refer to other organisations where others are best placed to support a young person.

As well as helping young people to feel well, and to gain the skills and confidence to gain employment, we facilitate job opportunities locally.

Star House – our city-centre base – is a hub for young people and service providers. Our tenants are all working to support young people, and the space can be used for service delivery, events, networking and more.

We are committed to delivering high quality services for young people and achieve this through robust internal performance management, as well as holding external accreditations and Charters.

We know that we can achieve more for young people when we work together.

Get in touch to explore how we could collaborate.

Find out more about Sheffield Futures, our people and impact…