Our people

Strategic Leadership Team

Christos Louca, Head of Delivery

Christos looks after our service delivery, from Health and Wellbeing to Careers and Employability. When he was younger he wanted to be a professional footballer. Today, Christos is Sheffield Futures’ answer to Marcus Rashford.

Mike Taylor, Operations Manager

Mike looks after Star House and most things, actually. As a young person, he wanted to be a professional wrestler. And he kind of was. Nowadays, he’s mostly concerned about heating bills.

Anna Morrissey, Finance and Compliance Manager

Anna looks after the finances and makes sure everything is safe and secure. When she was younger, she wanted to be a computer programmer but soon discovered that it’d involve being quiet most of time in the world of coding. Now she has children who talk non-stop and craves a little peace and quiet. 

Kirsty is a white woman with dark blonde hair. She smiles at the camera.

Kirsty Sandamas, Communications and Business Development

Kirsty takes care of marketing, fundraising and development. When she was younger, she wanted to be Elle Woods. These days you’ll still catch her advocating for animal rights and rocking a LOT of pink.

Meet the teams that support young people

Explore our Get Support section to read about our services and the teams that work directly with young people.

Board of Trustees